
Showing posts from March, 2014

Peder's Egg Salad Recipe (In 50 small steps)

This recipe has some approximations, so feel free to adjust to taste. Step One: Get some extra eggs.  This is most easily accomplished if you and your wife both buy a dozen eggs without each others knowledge. Step Two: Con your wife into hard boiling some of them.  Note: it is entirely possible that she will have this idea on her own but if not, try suggesting it to her. Step Three: Select four hard boiled eggs. Step Four: Start to de-shell the eggs.  (Unpeel?  Open?  I'm going with de-shell.  Send all complaints to the editor.) Step Five: Google for a simple way to de-shell the eggs.  Automatically discard any result that wants you to use cold water. Step Six: Go and see a Lego creation from DF.  Make sure to compliment him on it. Step Seven: Try to go back to the kitchen before LL needs you for something. Step Eight: Help LL unzip a zipper on some random toy. Step Nine: Sneak back into the kitchen and start working on de-shelling the e...

Every Red Dwarf Has At Least One Planet

Article here .  This is big news.  Red dwarfs are extremely common and probably have a very good habitable zone for planets.  According to this list of nearest stars to Earth , 46 of the nearest 56 are red dwarfs.  Which means that we could easily have multiple planets with likely habitability within 16 light years of Earth. Now we just need to crack that light barrier and start looking more closely.