Peder's Egg Salad Recipe (In 50 small steps)
This recipe has some approximations, so feel free to adjust to taste. Step One: Get some extra eggs. This is most easily accomplished if you and your wife both buy a dozen eggs without each others knowledge. Step Two: Con your wife into hard boiling some of them. Note: it is entirely possible that she will have this idea on her own but if not, try suggesting it to her. Step Three: Select four hard boiled eggs. Step Four: Start to de-shell the eggs. (Unpeel? Open? I'm going with de-shell. Send all complaints to the editor.) Step Five: Google for a simple way to de-shell the eggs. Automatically discard any result that wants you to use cold water. Step Six: Go and see a Lego creation from DF. Make sure to compliment him on it. Step Seven: Try to go back to the kitchen before LL needs you for something. Step Eight: Help LL unzip a zipper on some random toy. Step Nine: Sneak back into the kitchen and start working on de-shelling the e...