This weekend we got into the car and I turned on some music from my iPod. My whole playlist (thousands of songs) started up on random and something jazzy came up. I think it was some Gershwin, sung by Chris Connor. Anyway, Relia asked if that music was jazz. I told her it certainly was and when she asked for more I switched over to my 'Jazz' playlist. This came up: Go ahead, hit play and listen a bit while you read. I ran across Richard 'Groove' Holmes some years ago in a jazz compilation. He's an organist. Not one of the big names in jazz circles. But oh man, he lays down a nice line. I've kept the playlist going this week and the kids haven't complained. (I kind of jumped the gun on the Christmas music, so we were ready for a break.) I would love, love, love for them to have some kind of appreciation of jazz while growing up. Actually, I think about this quite a bit. I am so picky, so passionate about my music. I want the kids...