
Showing posts from May, 2013

Have a Great Friday


Memorial Day

For the first time in many years, we're not heading down to Austin for the parade today.  I worked late last night and will work late tonight too.  That's just too much driving in too small of a space.  (Instead, I took the older ones down on Saturday.) I want to take a minute to think of all of those who sacrificed and risked their lives for us.  The world would be immeasurably poorer without your valor.  Thank you.

Tools for Kids

(via Instapundit)  Here is a list of suggestions for familiarizing your children with various tools.  Just last week we were talking about soldering irons!

From April 2013, Part 2

Had a most enjoyable conversation with Felix on the ride home today. He's trying to wrap his head around his upcoming birthday and he was worried that he'd become 'too big'. He said that big Felixs don't eat and he didn't like that. When I pressed him he was worried that he would become too big to eat cupcakes. I told him not to worry about that anytime soon. The kids were trying to pick a show to watch on the Netflix and they decided on 'Little Tyke's Land', a show based on the toy cars that kids can 'drive' around the yard. Sarah asked me if I'd watched it before. (Yes, this morning and it sucked in the way that gentle children's programming does.) I tried to steer her away from saying yes. Me: Yeah, it's hyper-violent. Uses bad language. Sarah: What??? Really? Felix: Hyper-violent! Hyper-violent! I want hyper-violent! Little pitchers, man, little pitchers have big ears. (We let them watch it.) Q: What is the difference between ...

From April 2013, Part 1

Yay, Opening Day! Watching 'The Imposters' on Netflix. The rest of you probably should be too. The kids have discovered 'Samurai Jack'. I'm pretty sure that Felix is going to be sword fighting all day now. Felix wanted to challenge Relia to a rolling pin fight. I choose to step in and say 'no'. Inspired by Laurie, I'm trying to think of the last good love story movie that I've seen. Can't think of anything more recent than 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'. Has the last decade really been that lousy for love stories? Oh no! Margaret Thatcher, RIP. Need a suggestion. The wife has never seen a James Bond movie. There are a bunch of them on the Netflix this month. Which one should I start her off on? All things being equal, I'd rather be done with the snow now, thank you. [From April 10th] Just think, we're only seven weeks away from Memorial day and the start of summer. I recently introduced the kids to the Powerpuff Girls. Lo...

From March 2013

(May as well start bringing this up to date.) PSA: If you ask them nicely, McDonalds will make you a half shamrock, half chocolate shake. And they're yummy. This winter has been so active, that for the first time ever, the Weather Channel is up to the letter 'S' when naming winter storms. Felix nap etiquette update: The little stuffed Wolverine doll should be tucked in and completely under the blanket. Otherwise it won't sleep. Am I the only one, who, when watching Downton Abbey, is reminded more and more of Gone with the Wind? After I explained what 'contrary' means, Relia decided that she is contrary. Maybe I did it wrong. Can one of my Catholic friends help me out here? While there is no Pope, are all of the commandments still in force? As you look at the snow outside, just remember, the Twins play their first home game in only 18 days. Cee-Lo is kind of like the Liberace of modern pop music, isn't he? We need an It Gets Better video for people who live...

Have a Great Friday

From Naples, I believe. More seriously, why is it that just about any city of size in Italy has worldwide recognizable landmarks while even fairly big modern US cities just look like, well, each other?  Think about it, in the US we have: New York - several landmarks, most notably the Statue of Liberty and Empire State building.   Washington DC - Washington Monument and several classical buildings like the White House and Capitol. Chicago - with the, well, whatever they're calling the Sears Tower now. St Louis - with the Gateway Arch San Francisco - with the Golden Gate bridge Seattle - with the Space Needle You'd think that we would have more than that.  In fact, it's kind of crazy that Texas, where everything is BIGGER, doesn't have anything on the list.  (With the possible exception of the Alamo.  But I'm not sure that the Alamo stands out on the world stage.)  Surely some oil tycoon would fund something at some point. Is it because th...

Books to Read in your 20's

I'm a bit past the expiration date on this one, but I found the list interesting, none the less.  Here you go , enjoy.

Ahvenisto Swimming Pool

Yesterday I posted about some past Olympic sites.  Heidi asked about the swimming pool that was used in Helsinki.  I did some digging and found something interesting.  The article (on this point at least) is wrong.  I searched images for the Helsinki Olympics and found a different looking pool.  This site has pictures from the Olympics (scroll down a bit).  Look at the diving structure.  Three levels, off set.  Now look at the picture from the article: That's a different platform.  The one has a hill behind and the other doesn't.  And the stands look further away.  If you look at the Wikipedia article on the 1952 Olympic venues, you get here .  Which matches the first picture exactly.  In other words, it's still in use and looks great.  I'm not sure exactly what happened here but it looks like someone took some pictures of Ahvenisto Swimming Pool back in 2008 and said that it was the abandoned Olympic sit...

After the Olympics

Here are some fascinating photos of Olympic sites, after the games.  You'd expect some of them to fall into disrepair after some time but it happens surprisingly quickly.  Many of the sites are single use only and after the games stop, that use goes away.  The kayak section in Beijing is a perfect example.  Any cities that bid on the games should keep pictures like this firmly in mind.

The Great Gatsby (Again)

Careful: Spoilers! I read 'The Great Gatsby' a few years back, when I was doing my Great American Novel reading.  It was the first time reading it and the review is here .  I said that the story is 'slight' and, truth be told, so was my review.  One of the reading groups that I follow chose it for the month of May so I reread it last week.  I've been thinking about it quite a bit since then. As I was getting ready for the reread I realized that I couldn't remember very much about it.  All I could recall was a) I'd had a favorable impression, b) the story took place on Long Island and New York City of the 1920's and c) the story was told by Gatsby's neighbor.  That was it.  My previous review was from early 2007 so in six years, almost all of it had fallen out of my head. I wanted this time to be different.  I took my time reading.  Pausing and rereading paragraphs a few times if needed until I felt comfortable that I got the message....


The other day while driving the boys home, DF saw a motorcycle with a passenger.  DF: Two of them!  I didn't know you could have two of them on a motorcycle! Me: Yep.  You have to be very careful though.  DF: Careful? Me: Yeah, so you don't crash.  (pause)  Could you be careful? DF: (after thinking) If I was on a motorcycle, I'd be careful.  I wouldn't push the fast button!


I love, love, love this wonderful fan made video celebrating Mythbusters.  Fine stuff!

Remembering Heinlein

My favorite author, Robert Heinlein, died twenty-five years ago today.  In May of 1988 I was just finishing up eighth grade.  One of my friends at school came up to me the day after his death and told me he was sorry about what had happened.  I don't think I'd heard about it yet (the news being what it was in the dark days before the internet).  I was always carrying a book with me at school and I'd been steadily working my way through all of the Heinlein I could buy in Austin. I read and reread (and reread) all of his books that I could get my hands on.  They were a very important part of my teenage years.  I'll be passing them on to my kids when they're old enough.  The world would be better off with more of his common sense.  He was instrumental in bringing about the rocket age of the United States.  He was one of the foundational figures in science fiction.  He was loved by both the military folks of the 50's and 60's and was one o...

Derby Day!

You know the drill, pick a horse and cheer it on: Oxbow 23-1 Revolutionary 5-1 Golden Sould 31-1 Normandy Invasion 7-1 Mylute 13-1 Giant Finish 39-1 Goldencents 6-1 Overanalyze 14-1 Palace Malice 24-1 Lines of Battle 33-1 Itsmyluckyday 9-1 (wears pink) Falling Sky 39-1 Verrazano 9-1 Charming Kitten 29-1 Orb 7-1 Will Take Charge 29-1 Frac Daddy 23-1 Java's War 22-1 Vyjack 36-1

Have a Great Friday



I had a little chat with DF yesterday: Me: Love you!  (pause) Do you love daddy? DF: Course! Me: And mommy? DF: Course! Me: What about Grandma D? DF: (big smile on his face) No!  She's too famous! Me: Too famous?  What about Nana? DF: She's too famous too! Me: What about Grandpa? DF: Course! Me: And Pop-pop? DF (another big smile) He's too strange! He's still trying to figure out language.  A little bit later he said 'course' he loves his other grandparents too.

Life Hacks

Click here for some handy suggestions on ways to make your life easier.  Caution, the list is long and you'll keep finding clever things!

Happy Birthday DF!

There are lots of things that I love about my dear DF, but lately I've loved how he is playing with language.  Yesterday in the car we listened to the Jellybug song again and when it was done he told me that it wasn't a slow song.  He then struggled to find the right way to describe it, eventually landing on the word 'loud'.  That, by the way, is a word that suits him to a T right now.  It's been a good first three years and I'm looking forward to many, many more.