
Showing posts from November, 2013

Thanksgiving Again

The FP Gal covered our trip to Austin well here.  Today we celebrated with our family in the Cities.  We hosted, which is often easier with our children.  It was low key, but that's a nice thing when it comes to traditional foods like stuffing and corn.  In the past few days I've gotten to see tons of cousins, both parents and my lovely wife's family.  All that I've missed are my brother and sister and their families.  (And I have missed them!)  It's been very nice.

Comet ISON Revisited

Check out this video: Late last night word came out that comet ISON was snuffed out by the sun.  Word this morning was that the comet may have survived.  You can see it approach in this video and then, it there's a big poof!  Watch the top and you see it reappear. This comet is the most hyped that I can remember.  It would be an enormous shame if it just disappeared.  I don't know what this means in terms of future visibility but I hope that it's still spectacular. 


It may be trite to say, but this year I'm most thankful for my family.  The kids sometimes drive me crazy but they also make me laugh and laugh and laugh.  Relia has a book of Christmas carols and this morning she is walking around singing 'Deck the halls with broads of holly'.  I love that!

Comet ISON

Tomorrow, Comet ISON is due to swing around the sun.  This is the first trip the comet has made to the inner solar system and no one knows how well formed it is.  It could break up into pieces or it could come through unfazed.  Or even something in between. Comets have been doing this for literally millions of years but we've got some new things in line that make this one special.  The big thing is that we have satellites that do nothing but look at the sun all day to monitor the solar weather.  They can see the comet approaching and will be able to tell how it comes through.  You can go to the SOHO site tomorrow to follow along. If it passes without too much damage, we could be in for some special sights over the next few weeks!

Winter Storm Names

One of the few good things to come out of last year's awful winter was the decision from the Weather Channel to name the various storms.  At first, I was against it, but it turned out to be useful to have a name that travelers and airlines could use when talking about the horrid things.  Well, I'm late to this, but here is the list that the Weather Channel has picked for this year.  Atlas Boreas Cleon Dion Electra Falco Gemini Hercules Ion Janus Kronos Leon Maximilian Nika Orion Pax Quintus Rex Seneca Titan Ulysees Vulcan Wiley Xenia Yona Zephyr The list was developed by a high school Latin class.  I've got some favorites.  It will almost be a joy to 'rocked' by Falco in a few weeks.  I have hopes that Ion will be a very small storm.  And let's all hope that Pax isn't too powerful of a storm, right?  


The past few days have been very cold up here in the north woods.  The wind is mostly to blame.  It's been strong and cutting.  We don't have any snow on the ground.  The few dustings we've had have not lasted very long.  But oh, this cold!  Makes me want to move elsewhere.  Tomorrow.


I decided that after I've turned 40, I'm going to try and live a little bit better.  The first step is trading out coffee for pop.  This morning I bought a coffee maker and made my very own first cup.  It worked and nothing broke. I looked at various flavors and decided that I'm just going to go with something regular for now.  I'm not a cream and/or sugar guy so black works for me.  It will take some time to get used to the idea of planning a drink instead of going to the fridge and opening one, but that's not that big of a deal.  And now we can offer guests coffee! Now I just need to figure out how to order something else when I go out to eat...


(Well, crap, I missed a day yesterday!  I'll do two posts tonight and we'll call it even.) The FP Gal and I finally got around to celebrating our birthdays yesterday.  On her birthday, my work schedule got in the way and on my birthday, her work schedule got in the way.  Both of us ended up having supper alone with the kids.  Oh well! So we gathered the whole gang and met up at Fridays for lunch.  We've been going out there for years and it's kind of 'our' place.  It was the site of our second date so it has some nostalgia for us.  And the kids like their menu so it all works out. Or almost works out.  By the time we were done eating, the kids were showing signs of rioting so we fled to the FP Gal's parents house and opened up gifts there.  I got a matchbox car from DF and a lego motorcycle from Relia.  Both of those gifts have been taken over by the kids, of course.  The FP Gal got me an automatic car starter so that I'll be sa...

Have a Great Friday



Today I turn 40 years old.  I'm moving into a new decade.  I want to look back at how much has changed since I turned 30.  Back then I was living in Burnsville in a one bedroom apartment.  I lived with Roxane and Calypso.  I spent some weekends all alone.  Now I'm in a big house with a wonderful wife and three wonderful children.  I've got two different cats and my weekends are very full.  (Sometimes I wish I could vacation back in that apartment for a day or two!)  I've created a family.  And that's a pretty good way to spend a decade.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to the FP Gal!  I hope that your 39th year is a wonderful one!

Skills of Our Grandparents

I can do five of these .  I'll make sure that my kids can do #6.  (The FP Gal will teach #5.)  I don't know about the other nine though...

Unusual Towers

I love this list .  I only wish we had something comparable here in Minnesota.  The last couple in Japan, look very cool.

Books You 'Must' Read in Your Life

Last week I linked to a list of suggested books that you really should read because they're life changing.  The idea has actually been flitting around in my head for some time now.  There are plenty of books that I want my children to read as they grow up.  Some of them are books that were important to me, some are books that I wish I'd read earlier in life.  Some are just books that I'll want them to read so I can discuss them with someone.  The following is an incomplete list: 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World - All three of these books tackle similar themes and I think there's some benefit in reading them together.  Each one gave predictions about a bad future, but they diverged in how they thought we'd get there.  Probably the best book to follow these up with is 'Anthem'. To Kill a Mockingbird - To teach them that you must try to have compassion and put yourself in the other person's shoes.  Also to show them how awfully unfair it is ...

Romeo & Juliet & Relia

The other night the kids found me listening to Tchaikovsky's 'Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture', my favorite bit of classical music.  Relia was trying to use the music to figure out what the story was doing ("now someone is running").  I told her that it had to do with 'Romeo and Juliet', not sure if she was familiar with that story or not.  As it turns out, she has seen 'Gnomeo and Juliet', a loose retelling of the story using lawn ornaments.  Close enough. This morning in the car, I told her the actual story of R&J, or at least the high points.  As I got to the end, she laughed and laughed and laughed.  Apparently the idea of dying for love is hilarious to her.  (She also worked hard to avoid the 'S-Word'.  Which in her case is 'stupid'.) As of right now, I'm glad that she thinks that letting romantic love overwhelm you is a bad idea.  I wouldn't be sad if she could keep that perspective a while, especially when she...

Flirty Boy

This morning Relia asked if we could take the light rail.  We agreed and took the kids downtown.  The ride there was uneventful.  Relia and DF took turns pointing out landmarks and they were excited when we got to Nicollet Mall.  We got out and they enjoyed the tall buildings.  It was nice and cloudy and the top of the IDS tower was dramatically covered up.  I pointed it out and we made our way there. When we arrived, they looked at the water fall in the lobby.  DF was especially enthralled.  He got loudly enthusiastic, so much so that we had to leave.  We went over a block to Panera to get some cookies and then back home. When we got back to the train, I ended up sitting with LL.  Two girls in their twenties(?) sat behind us.  LL turned on the charm and if I hadn't been holding him back, he would have gotten their phone numbers.  They suggested that I get him a 'Lock Up Your Daughters' t-shirt.  I may have to, as a fair...

Have a Great Friday

This now reminds me of the boys.


I just realized that with our crazy schedules, Thursday and Saturday nights are almost the only time that we all eat together.  Guess we'll have to make the most of them.

The Great Gatsby - 2013

Continuing on with movies from my Netflix queue! Back in May I reread 'The Great Gatsby' and reviewed it .  This was somewhat in anticipation of seeing the movie.  Well, now I've seen it and I have a few things to say.  SPOILERS.  Back in May, I thought: The most winning element of 'Gatsby' is the narration.  I'd read Nick Carraway's thoughts on just about anything.  He's writing here about the Jazz Age, but I'd read his thoughts on the Depression just as readily.  He is compelling and authoritative and always, always interesting.  If the narration wasn't as good, the book would have failed.  If narration of this quality was moved to a different book, that one would have excelled. And that's really the big problem with filming this.  So much of it hinges on the great internal thoughts Nick, the narrartor.  When I was reading I would stop and rework my way through a paragraph, sometimes just savoring a turn of phrase.  That...

35 Books You Must Read In Your Lifetime

(Well, that's what the link says.  I'd replace 'must' with 'should'.  Or even the more Minnesotan 'We Kindly Think that Reading These Books Might Do You a Benefit, You Betcha'.)  A pretty good list here .  It sounds like the original list was created from Reddit.  As you may know, book lists are like catnip for me, so I thought I'd go through it. I'll remark if I have it, if I've read it and maybe a brief comment. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - I have it but haven't read it. Watership Down - Have it but haven't read it. The Last Lecture - I've never heard of this but it sounds good. A Short History of Nearly Everything - Not familiar with this either. Man's Search for Meaning - Another one that is new to me.  Sounds good. The Forever War - I've read this and it's a good read though not life changing for me. Cosmos - I've read other Carl Sagan, but not this one. Bartleby the Scrivener - Excell...

Football Magic Numbers

When we talk about magic numbers in sports, we're usually talking about how close a baseball team is to clinching their division.  But of course, the idea is easily translatable to other sports too.  The process is easy.  You start with the number of games in the regular season and add 1.  Then you compare that number to the number of wins a team has and the number of losses for the next closest team.  You can just reverse the wins and losses to figure out the elimination number.  Sadly, that's more important for this year's Viking team. There are 16 games in the NFL regular season.  Add 1 and you get the starting number of 17.  Right now the Vikings are 2-7 and the lead team in the division is the Lions at 6-3.  So we add the Viking losses (7) and the Lion wins (6).  That gives us 13.  17-13=4.  That means that any combination of four Viking losses or Lion wins and the Vikings cannot win the division.  Since that number ...


We raked up the yard today.  We really couldn't do it earlier than now because the trees around us were still full of leaves.  It's been an odd fall as far as leaves go.  They really didn't come down until about Wednesday.  I'm not sure why.  Seriously, the weather has been pretty normal for the past couple of months.  Maybe a little cooler than normal but not drastically.  And yet the leaves were late turning color and then late falling down.  Is that because we had such a late spring?  Dunno. Anyway, we had snow on Tuesday.  A real snow, though not the winter storm that we were warned about.  Come Wednesday, they started coming down as if there were people in the trees with leaf blowers.  I don't remember ever seeing that before.  Anyway, we've raked and we're ready for winter.

My Little Hams

Today we got together with my sister Heidi, her husband Chad and their wonderful (Star Wars obsessed) boy, Marshall.  He turns five next week so this was a birthday party.  We first got together at a play place called 'the Giggle Factory'.  Basically a playset like you'd find at a big McDonalds or Burger King combined with a coffee bar where adults can sit and watch their monsters angels play.  These spots are a godsend after the weather turns cold up here and the kids had a great time. Then it was off to Chad's parents house which was filled with family, about half of whom I knew.  The boys decided to put on a show.  Right after Marshall blew out the candle, DF took advantage of the quiet room to loudly announce, "Time for cake!".  While the cake was being passed around, LL took the the floor and held court there.  He simply walked in circles and lit up all smiley to anyone that would smile back at him. Later on, when the crowds thinned, DF de...

From May 2013

(You may remember this series, where I store some of the things that were over on Facebook.) It's snowing and they're testing the sirens in Minneapolis. The despair is palpable. Last year, when we had a very mild winter, I distinctly remember a woman (friend of a friend) who was upset that her poor 2nd grader would 'never see snow again'. I've thought of her often over the last two months. The next time someone utters such an absurdity at a Minnesotan we should be allowed to smack them. I predict that by the year 2025, we will officially change the name of clownfish to 'Nemo-fish'. Car outside our house has been parked there with the bass ALL THE WAY UP for about fifteen minutes. I can't hear the song, but I assume it's something like seismic activity or magma movement. Relia to me: Oops, I forgot you're a human. That's kind of the slogan of my mornings. Free idea for writers of children's movies: Make the villain be a corporation or a ...

Have a Great Friday


Not Giving Up

I've been meaning to tell more stories about LL.  He does one thing that I've never seen before.  If you take a bite of some food that he wants (his/yours/whatever) he will try to go into your mouth after it.  Sometimes this happens well after you've eaten.  It's very cute and endearing (unless he won't give up...).

Movie Idea

This one goes out to any low budget movie studio that would like to make a small film that would rake in the big bucks.  Ready?  The very first chapter of Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables' is about a bishop in a small French town.  The bishop lives through several episodes that show him becoming as Christ-like as he can.  Going forth to his flock, trading houses with the hospital, things like that.  The entire section is beautiful and is possibly the best portrayal of Christian charity in all of literature. The film would focus on this man.  The book includes his small back story and how a chance meeting with Napoleon gave him a church office.  It would continue through the various episodes.  In the last third or fourth of the movie, Jean Valjean would appear and their interaction would happen.  Then the bishop gives him the rest of the silver and bids him go.  Wrap it up and roll credits. If this was done with a deft touch and some sensi...


Our dear LL is something of a daredevil.  He just has no sense that his actions can hurt him.  His preferred method of coming down the slide in our front room (known as the 'office') is to take one step and then dive the rest of the way.  We have a mattress at the bottom so he comes through fine.  Mostly. This morning I found that he'd pushed the coffee table up near the couch.  He would then climb on the table (keeping him off of tables is a major chore), and jump over to the couch cushions.  He has about a two inch horizontal leap so he does this mostly on faith. We should probably start setting aside emergency room funds already...

Wii, Again

We've shifted things around in the house again and the Wii is again available for the kids to play with.  They seem to finally be at the age to really, really get it.  Well, Relia's been there for a while, but she now has access.  As recently as last spring, Relia was unable to really play Mariokart but now she can.  This morning she was playing and absolutely thrilled to be getting third and fifth places.  Meanwhile, DF was teaching her a lesson in patience.  He can't help but steer into walls and has trouble going the right direction.  This is maddening to watch.  You want to jump in and take over so that he can be competitive.  But of course, he won't learn a thing that way.  So she gets to watch and bite her tongue.  (If she doesn't, then she gets scolded by daddy.)  I'm sure he'll pick it up in short time. After we played for a bit, I decided to update the Miis and create a Mii for LL.  Here is is, 18 months old and...


While driving DF to preschool this week, he asked me where LL got his name.  I tried to tell him that the FP Gal and I picked it out but he wanted a credit in there too.  I was almost to the point where I throw up my hands and tell him, fine, he helped pick it out, when he said this: DF: When Leo dies and we get a new baby, I'll name that one. Um, not quite, buddy.  To add a little context, it might be helpful to know that our neighbors recently had to put down their beautiful boxer dog.  They had a new puppy a few days later.  Anyway, DF is figuring out both mortality and the cycle of life. 

Life of Pi - 2012

I remember the first time I saw the book 'Life of Pi'.  It was in a Barnes and Noble, and the cover featured a boy in a lifeboat with a tiger.  I quickly judged that cover and was hooked.  It looked like some sort of fantasy.  What I didn't know is that the story would play it straight.  (I have a brief review of the book here if you're interested.  Short story, I highly recommend it.) A few years later I heard that there was interest in turning it into a movie.  The story largely takes place as a narrative of a boy in a lifeboat with a tiger so it was hard to see how they could possibly make a movie work.  And boy howdy, the record of books to movies is not very good.  But the reviews were positive, so I thought I'd give it a chance.  (Which I did last March when I found that a) I had a day off and b) it was in the theater some five months after it was released.) I came away impressed and wanted the FP Gal to see it.  I thought ...

Les Miserables - 2012

I used to go out to the movies all the time, but now that I have young kids, it's really tough to do so.  This has been more of an annoyance than a problem for the past few years because frankly, there haven't been that many movies I've wanted to see.  Last year was different.  There were a bunch that actually looked good, especially late in the year but I missed them.  Anyway, this is a long way of saying that I finally upgraded the Netflix account to have them send me DVD's.  Which means that movie reviews are a'coming. For years I wondered why it was taking so long to make a movie musical version of 'Les Mis'.  It's been popular forever.  It's epic in a way that translates well to the big screen.  And my guess has been that various rights have kept from being produced.  (And that might even be true!) I was excited when I saw the first trailers last fall.  Then the reviews came out and they were lack-luster.  I chalked some of ...