Oscar Nominees

 Long time readers of the blog will remember that I've had a thing for watching movies that were nominated for Best Picture. In fact, the very first function for this whole thing was to record my watching of the 50 movies that had that distinction in the 90s. I still enjoy doing so, but marriage and kids have sometimes been an obstacle in watching arthouse style movies. 

Sometime in the 00s I stopped being a completest when it comes to watching the noms. That was true by the middle of the decade and became even more of a thing when the Oscars expanded past five noms per year in 2009. I don't know that the quality of the movies declined, but carving out time to watch nine movies is simply a more daunting task. Harder to start and (much) easier to slough off. 

A few weeks back, it occurred to me that I could fix that. I could watch the ones I haven't seen and rewatch some that I don't remember well. I like to have some kind of project going and if I approach this in a casual way, then I could finish it in a year or two. Plus, with all of the streaming options out there, it's easier than ever to catch movies without paying additional money. 

So I did what I always do in situations like this and made a spreadsheet. By my count, there were 88 movies nominated for Best Picture in the '10s. Before I started this project, I had watched just under half of them: 43. Several of the movies that I haven't seen are available to stream on Netflix, Amazon Prime or with YouTubeTV. In addition, I'm one of the few (the proud!) that still gets DVDs from Netflix in the mail. In time, I'll see them all. 

And, because I love you all, I'll put up some reviews here on the blog. 


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