When putting together the list of movies for this project, this came as a surprise. I remembered it as good, but Best Picture quality? Really? Well, that's one of the reasons for this thing, to revisit movies and see how they stack up both against time and each other. The FP Fiance hadn't seen this one yet, so I got to get her opinion as an unseen film. Harrison Ford stars as a surgeon falsely accused and convicted of killing his wife, played by the very attractive Sela Ward. He claims a one-armed man is the real killer but no one believes him. An fortunate series of events, including a very cool train wreck, free him to try and clear his name. In a faliure to anticipate OJ, he doesn't search at even one golf course. Tommy Lee Jones really steals this movie, though. He plays a US Marshal who is tasked with finding the escapee. His mixture of wise-cracking, tenacious and tough sells quite well. The movie is well told but whiffs in a couple of areas. The motive for ...