Schindler's List - 1993
Not sure what to say about this movie. It's a great one, historically great, but I don't particularly care to review it. Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley and Ralph Fiennes are all very good in this. Fiennes especially because the part of the concentration camp warden is the most difficult.
I remember seeing this in the theatre back when it was originally out and being very impressed. I also remember not really wanting to see it again. And that held true to this viewing as well. The inhumanity is just too much.
It's a must see movie at least once. I don't know about more than that.
I remember seeing this in the theatre back when it was originally out and being very impressed. I also remember not really wanting to see it again. And that held true to this viewing as well. The inhumanity is just too much.
It's a must see movie at least once. I don't know about more than that.