Battle of the Network Power Rankings

That time again! This week was even tougher than last week with some top teams losing out. Both ABC and CBS went 7-6 scoring 48 and 45 points respectivly. Fox finished 6-7 with 43 points.
ABC 57-27 470
Fox 56-28 453
CBS 55-29 446

Extra points for naming the actor pictured here.


carrster said…
That's Mr. Edwards but I'd have to cheat and look up his real name!!
MamaD4 said…
Victor French. What do I win?!! I did have to look it up, even though I used to be the Number 1 LHOP fan!
carrster said…
No Fair! She looked it up! ;-)

*sigh* Ah the good ol' days of Little House.....that was PRIMETIME NETWORK television! Sort of makes me feel like I grew up on a different planet (than now...).
Peder said…
Good job, Rach. What do you win? Bonus points.

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