Holiday music

Back in high school our small show choir group would start rehearsing Christmas music right after homecoming (sometime mid-October or so). Our group would sing about 30 times or so between the beginning of December and mid-January. Do the math; three years times three months times about 90 performances = a guy who couldn't stand Christmas carols anymore.
Mr J did his best by choosing interesting music. He introduced me to the Coventry Carol (which I sing as a bass). He had us do so P.D.Q. Bach. Frankly, he did his best but it was just too much for too many years.
It is only in the last few years that I've been able to enjoy it again. In fact it's become kind of a sign of the season the first time a commercial gets 'Carol of the Bells' gets stuck in my head. So, you can have it stuck in yours too.

BTW, I know that it's too early for holiday music. I was raised to believe that it shouldn't be around until after Thanksgiving. That ship has apparently sailed. Take a look at your TV or walk into a store. It's the holiday season already. I suggest that we put all of our energy into keeping it after Halloween.


Brian said…
Where can I get the version 'please no more bells, please stop the bells....'
carrster said…
Ah Austinaires memories.....I will admit I loved it and hated it (performing so much during Christmas that is) at the same time. *sigh* I miss it now!!

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