Random Thursday night stuff

  • Yes, I'm jealous. I'm sure we'll catch up in a couple of years when availability goes up and the price comes down. Rachel, try and sing their praises to the FP Gal, would ya?
  • A quiet day at the FP household. Relia and I just stayed in and watched some TV. Well, she did some time in the swing while I did my own stuff. Do I feel guilty about that? Some. But I'm getting better about it.
  • Meant to tell everyone that 'Amazing Race' was starting again. This is probably our favorite TV show. I keep hoping that the FP Gal will try out for it with me but she won't. She thinks that the stress would be too much. Hey Jodi, you up for a trip around the world?
  • Seriously, it's a great show and you should treat yourself and watch it. It's on Sunday nights on CBS, right after 60 Minutes. You can treat yourself to a double dip and watch Andy Rooney's Decent into Madness, too.
  • Where are the new Relia pictures? The truth is we don't have any good ones. She's just as cute as ever but we're just too tired. Sorry about that.
  • I mentioned the novel yesterday, but I forgot to shout out to the two people I convinced to try it with me this year. My Dad is working from a story idea that he's been playing with over the last couple of years. He called today and we talked writing stuff. It is great to listen to the excitement in his voice as he develops new ideas and plot points. My mother-in-law is also writing. I've hardly seen her this month so I don't really know how she's going but I hope she's having fun!
  • That's it!


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