Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Prarie - Opening Ceremonies Vancouver

Joni Mitchell popped up on my iTunes tonight (yes it did, don't judge) and brought to mind my on and off search for a part of the Vancouver Olympics opening ceremony. For some reason the bit where they celebrate the prairie is simply hard to find. It featured an acrobat from Montreal doing big wire sailing movements above movies of fields of grain. All of this set to 'Both Sides Now'. Very beautiful stuff.
Anyway, here it is. They won't let me embed so you'll have to click through. Not the best, I'm afraid. I wish I could get the actual feed from NBC but that seems to be beyond my google-fu. This is the best I can do.


DD4 said...

That was one of my favorite parts of the Opening Ceremony.

carrster said...

I remember it - it was awesome!

Why would we judge you for listening to Joni Mitchell? She has an amazing voice!!