Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Tuesday is usually Nana day for Relia. I pick the kids up at preschool and immediately drip her off at the FP Gal's folks. Then DF and I spend a couple of hours at home before the FP Gal arrives to whisk him off to dinner. Then I have a little time to myself, some supper and go up to work.
That wasn't the plan today. At breakfast, Relia was told that Nana had a meeting to go to and Nana day wouldn't happen. She was pretty upset. When I picked her up today at preschool she quizzed me on what she could do to cancel Nana's meeting. I told her there was nothing she could do and that she'd have to figure out a way to handle it. (And then we went home and I made some kool-aid as a treat.)
Then the FP Gal, bless her heart, came home and announced that they would indeed be eating over there tonight. Very selfishly, I am so happy to get my quiet time. Thank you, hon. Thank you thank you!

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