Seventh Heaven

(The FP Gal forced me to write this or else she'd out me.)
Yes, I've got a new TV show that I enjoy. WGN plays back to back episodes of Seventh Heaven, weekdays at 5p and 6p. It's hard not to watch.
For those of you not familiar with it, Seventh Heaven follows the trials and travails of a southern California family. The father is a minister, the mother is a minister's wife (a tough job) and they have seven kids. Each episode they run into various troubles and somehow the family pulls through. Standard TV, right?
Well, what makes this different is that the family is filled with good people. The parents are easily the toughest, most loving parents I've ever seen on a TV show. The brothers and sisters genuinely act like they love each other. I find myself thinking that it's the type of family I'd like to raise.
Yes, it's hoakey. And sometimes overly sweet. But that's kind of ok. Most modern television is so cynical and 'ironic' and overly self-reverential. 'Seventh Heaven' is almost shocking in it's decency.

(There I wrote it. And yes, I think this makes me an old man. Or somebodies parent. Possibly both.)


DD4 said…
I'll have to check it out. Sounds good to me!
Cellomama said…
I have really liked that show. Sometimes it breaks my cheese-o-meter, but in general I think it's one of the few shows on TV in the last 10 years that show smart, stable, loving, committed, GOOD parents. It's certainly not appointment TV for me, but if I catch it while channel surfing I will often stick around.

They remind me of the best things about my parents. And make me aspire to be that good.
MamaD4 said…
You guys might like "Gilmore Girls", too. It's fairly wholesome...
Kate said…
Um. I watched that obsessively for years. Along with Gilmore Girls, your sister in law is right on with that one. It doesn't make you an old man. Because if it does, then I've been an old woman for years!
Oh my gosh!! Seventh Heaven is my all time favorite show. It is also on every weekday from 12 noon to 2 pm on the Hallmark Channel. I feel as though I personnally know each one in that family and the extended family. They have taken teenagers in to live with them. It is such a fun show to watch and feel involved in. I'm not 100% sure how many seasons there are, but I have one thru four, I'm missing #5, but I have #6

I will have to lend the seasons I have to your mother, so she can see them from the start. It is before the twins are born.
carrster said…
I've never watched it - but Peder, I think your post was very sweet.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I am noticing a distinct trend in the posters here, Peder.

For the record, I have never watched either show mentioned; not because I have no eye for quality television, but because they weren't marketed to my demographic (my sisters enjoyed that Gilmore show, though). That may explain much.
calvierude said…
Great TV Show and its one of my favorite tv shows. You can also wtch it from here, so download 7th Heaven Episodes free Lots of people talk about how "nice" the family in this show is, and that's certainly its most striking feature. Even those who like the show will probably concede that the family in the show is "nicer" than almost any family you'll find in real life.

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