Survivor Finale

Here is Jeff's final blog. He really lays into the jury for being bitter. The FP Gal said this was the whiniest season she could remember and I'd have to agree. So many people thought that they should just be given a longer stay and who cared that other people were actively playing against them. How annoying!
Can I make a confession here? I didn't care for Sugar. She was a huge player and her actions had a big effect on the game. But I really didn't respect what she did because it seemed so random. Someone spoke harshly to someone else? I'll switch sides. Someone tells me that someone else is lying to me? Without any more thought, I'll switch sides. The trick to staying in her good graces was to be the last one to talk to her.
I'm glad Bob won. Older engineer types seem to do really well at this game. I wonder if anyone else finds that inspiring?


Meigan said…
Sorry, but I really liked Sugar. I could relate because of my dad. Emotions soar... Some blogger wrote that she was just a young girl embracing her new-found fame & you can't blame her for that. I think both she & Bob were there for the experience more than to win the $$ - which is probably why they did so well.
Sarita said…
Peder's comment during the second to last episode, was "the jury sees Sugar as a mastermind, when really she's a random number generator." LMAO

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