Random Sunday Stuff

  • Boy, this blog really goes dark on the weeknd, doesn't it? No good reason why, since I'm home most of the time. The FP Gal's wedding jobs keep her busy (and she's usually got my car) so I get the place to myself.
  • Watched a good deal of baseball the past few days. As I write this, the Twins are 1/2 game up on the White Sox for the wildcard spot. My prediction as of late August: White Sox wrap up a postseason spot before they come to the dome to close out the season. The Twins are facing injury after injury to the pitching staff and I don't think they can keep up the winning. It's that simple.
  • Thought my personal preference curse had struck again today as I couldn't find the best chips known to man, Old Dutch Garlic & Parmesian Kettle Chips. I've killed an ice cream, a pizza and soft drink already. Just started eating blueberries lately. Sell any shares you have in blueberry futures.
  • I've searched for years for a good book on Simon Bolivar and I finally found one. It's called Liberators and it's a pretty good read. The best history books read like stories and this one is no exception.
  • This might be my most random post ever.
  • Some discussion between the FP Gal and I on the sexiest song ever. She's going with U2's 'All I Want is You'. I'm going with Adam Ant's 'Desperate but not Serious'.
  • It frightens the cats when I dance to Adam Ant.
  • That's it. You stay classy, readers.


MamaD4 said…
I have a lot of votes for sexiest song. "Crash" by Dave Matthews Band. Yes, I am so slow that I didn't really "get" the lyrics until pretty recently and I have to say, this song is so sexy it makes me blush! I'm glad to hear that you're eating blueberries--they are exceptionally good for you! Not that I'm a big nutrition nut--I'm sitting here guzzling my Dr. Pepper and eating Twizzlers.
Peder said…
And I'm enjoying the blueberries, too. Sadly, they'll be gone soon.

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