
The vacation continues. Today we drove over to Stillwater to look at antiques and eat by the river. The last time we were in Stillwater was to pick out our rings. A very good friend of the FP Gal designs and creates jewelry. He sat us down and we talked about what he's done in the past and what types of things he can do. He then advised us to go around the corner, have lunch and discuss what we wanted. We kicked it around some and finally settled on the wonderfully unique set that we have.
So back we went. We stopped by the studio but Jim was gone. So off to the stores. We ran across a print of this Maxfield Parish for a mere $600 dollars. And, no, the frame was nothing special. We also had some lunch with a riverview. Of interest was a mother and grandmother trying to explain a large (and creepy) statue of Elvis to a young boy. They were trying to explain that Elvis was popular a long time ago but now he's dead and up in heaven. The boy looked at the figure and said emphatically, "But now he's back!". Millions of tabloid readers couldn't agree more.

More shops and one bookstore (of course). Stillwater has postitioned itself as a Mecca for the Red Hat Ladies. The merchandise just screams 'sassy grandma'. We did see two signs that we liked. One for Ozzie: Panic, Chaos, Disorder. My job here is done. And one that the FP Gal really liked: Grandma had it. Mom threw it. I just bought it.


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