Wednesday Random stuff

  • So our heat wave broke yesterday. It was cloudy and drizzly all day. Temps in the 70's. Wonderful. Forecast is for more rain today and I'm happy as a clam.
  • Are clams really happy? They don't seem to have the capacity. And how would you test for it?
  • Had a job interview yesterday. It went well but I don't know how interested I am. The hours would be better and that's a real issue. I don't know that the actual work would be better. And they haven't offered me a job yet.
  • Ozzie learned a lesson this weekend about eating plastic. Hans, remember Calypso and the twine? I won't go into detail. (Well, maybe he learned a lesson. It's tough to tell with cats.) Anyway, he's fine and zoomy as ever.
  • This is a site I hit daily. Kinda purty, no?
  • And that's about it.


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