Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Budding Mozart

Just pulled herself up on the piano bench so she could play some more music. Mom, how soon before you can start giving her lessons?


DD4 said...

She needs to be able to read a little bit before I could give her lessons - but I would definitely like to do it. Don't discourage her. Also, sing to her often. I know she would get a lot out of that.

You might consider a CD player for her bedroom - expose her to lots of types of music. I wish my parents had listened to classical music some when I was growing up. I remember my dad was big on German polka music.

Sarita said...

Does telling us the animals when we read count? :-)

It would be so cool to have you teach her someday Donna.

We sing to her in the car a lot. She just started singing along in the last week or so. I LOVE it. It makes me so happy to hear.
(singing along = what you saw in the video)
She also listens to music every night as part of our bedtime routine.