Football Pool reminders

I mentioned this before, but with the season starting on Thursday I thought I'd post it again.

The first pool is the one where you pick the winner of each football game. After you select the winner, you assign confidence points to each game. Simply click here and follow the instructions to sign up. A free Yahoo account is necessary. The group ID # is 5911 and the password is 'favreless'.

The second one is a Survivor pool. Every week you pick one team. If that team wins you survive to the next week. If they lose, you're done. The last person still picking wins the pool. The sign up is similar, click here to sign up. The group ID # is 2289 and the password is 'probst'.

I find that these pools add to my football enjoyment. You might find that to be true for you too.


Meigan said…
Did it. Go Pittsburgh. 1st week is always the toughest, isn't it? I want to get it over early.

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