Memories of 9/11

Very interesting column today from Peggy Noonan. She talked with some college kids about how 9/11 effected them. The kids were only 10-13 years old and the repeated theme is that this was what popped the bubble and taught them that the world could be a dangerous place.
Eight years is both a long time and somehow impossibly short. Both my personal life and the country as a whole seems so completely changed since then. I spent part of the day at work (while on hold) reading through various people's account. Where they were when they found out mostly. Brings back some absolutely terrible memories. I don't remember anger so much as uncertainty and disbelief.
I hope that my children never have to live through such a thing though they almost certainly will. Every generation has a disaster of some sort. I'm not so naive as to think that history will somehow stop and spare the upcoming one. I hope that they're up to the challenge.
I hope they look back and decided that we were up to ours.


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