Airport Code Game

As you doubtlessly know, airports are known by a unique three letter code. Traditional initials also have three letters. I propose a game. Go here, to an airport code website and enter your initials. Then come back and leave a comment regarding which city you are connected to. The person with the largest city wins!
I'll start (and create examples).

PGD (me) - Punta Gorda, FL (per Wikipedia the population is 16,762)
ARD (Relia) - Alor Island, Indonesia (Wikipedia puts the population at 168,000)
FPG (FP Gal) - no known airport (Wikipedia thinks that lots of people don't live at airports but for the purpose of this game she gets a score of 0)

So go ahead and give it a try. Leave your answers in the comments. Wikipedia look up available upon request. I honestly have no idea who will win this but I'm curious.


DD4 said…
Unfortunately, there is no airport associated with my initials either.
AML said…
AML--Puerto Armuellas, Panama, population 25,000
Sarita said…
Skeldon Guyana
Chris said…
CAJ (me) - Canaima, Venezuela (pop.unknown as it appears to be a national park. There are waterfalls that look like those in Up.)
NJJ (Nick) - None
ACJ (Xander) -None
AMJ (Allison) - Almenara, Brazil (pop.unknown, but the airport is very small)
Micah said…
Looks like I can take the lead for now. MLB is Melbourne, population 3.9 million.
Micah said…
Oh man! I didn't pay enough attention. It wasn't Melbourne, Australia; it was Melbourne Florida:--population: 78,308. Who in the world named some city in Florida Melbourne anyway? I was feelin' all cool for nothing.
Pat said…
Petrozavodski, Russia. Did not see any population. But it doesn't look too far from St. Petersburg. Does that count??
Peder said…
Micah, I've had travelers make that same mistake in the other direction and then call to ask why their little flight to Florida would cost $4000. Pat, I think that Petrozavodski is a separate town and I'm finding a population of 266,160. Which still puts you in the lead!
MamaD4 said…
Hans bids me tell you: Hyderabad, Pakistan.
carrster said…
CAB - Cabinda, Angola - a very popular destination.

Population 264,584 - close but no cigar.
j said…
Jabiru, Australia, pop 1696
Grampa said…
SaraH: Skeldon (SKM) Guyana
Anonymous said…
I used my initials "ear" Elizabeth Austin Reed & got Kearney Neb. but no population
Alfred T. Mahan said…

Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, with a population of 53,151. Chris needs to look harder... :]
Kate said…
I'm in Siberia. Unknown is the runway length, population and everything else. This does not bode well.
Carrie Moffett said…
For Ryan: RCM = Richmond, Australia population= 554

For me (Carrie) if I dropped the middle initial "A"
CMM = Carmelita, Guatemala
population = 20,295
Steve said…
I think I am losing. Saba Island, Netherland Antilles. Although small, it would be a nice place to go...
Peder said…
I think the current leader is Hans with Hyderabad Pakistan which is roughly 1.5 million. More comments are welcome. And if anyone wants to rip off this idea and use it for their own blogs, you have my blessing.
Meigan said…
Miramar, Argentina. Small population but I'd love to visit!
room34 said…
STA -- Stauning Vestjyllands Airport

It's in Denmark. Seems to be somewhat in the middle of nowhere. Here's a map:

Best part: it's right by Ringkøbing Fjord.

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