Pirate Radio - 2009

Back in the 60's the British government did not play rock and roll on the radio. The state controlled BBC didn't want it, so it didn't happen. This was, of course, a high moment in British rock with the Beatles, Stones, Who and many others making new music. Pirate radio stations sprang up, broadcasting from off the coast. The movie suggests that half of the British populace tuned in on a regular basis. All of this is based on true history.
The movie focuses on one particular station called simply enough Radio Rock. On it we meet a crazy group of DJs and radio folk. This is a fun ensemble and the movie does well by them. We get to know their quirks and personalities as they face challenges from the state and fend off boredom.
In many ways, this is a pitch perfect movie. The cast is great, the music is well done and the story is very good. The FP Gal told me that she already wants the soundtrack. In fact, I only had one problem with it:

An open letter to Kenneth Branagh
I loved your work back in the 90's. Not just the Shakespeare, which was wonderful, but also 'Dead Again' and that Frankenstein movie. Great, great stuff. You're an incredible actor. So stop screwing around with these awful villain roles that you've been playing for the last decade. Yes, the bad guy can be fun and I don't begrudge any actor the chance to play something tasty. But you aren't even playing memorable stuff. Just a bunch of bureaucratic jerks. Stop, just stop. Play something challenging. Maybe even something likable. And soon, please. Turn it around soon.


MamaD4 said…
I LOVED "Dead Again"...I haven't seen it in years.

Hope you had a good birthday! And hey, now whenever you want a movie soundtrack, you can run over to iTunes, look it up and have it in moments!
Kate said…
This is the first movie I've wanted to see in the theaters for about two years now. The last one I went to was I Am Legend and had nightmares for months. I'm still frightened of zombies. I MIGHT venture out and watch this one.
Peder said…
Kate, the zombie quotient was pleasantly low here.

Rach, I love 'Dead Again' too. A great movie.

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