New Posts

 Yesterday featured something unusual for this blog: a new post. Over the weekend I realized that I wished that I'd been blogging through this whole pandemic. It would have made for a nice record of this time period. I'm not sure why I didn't. Several people suggested keeping a diary. The fact that I didn't is purely my own fault. When I told this to the FP Gal she simply told me that the best thing I could do would be to start writing now.

Which is what I'm doing. 

I don't want to make the classic mistake where I promise that I'll do this every day and then fail to write a single new blog post ever again. What I'm doing is quietly deciding to bring the blog back from the dead and . . . write some stuff. 

This used to be a habit of mine and I know that people used to check the blog daily to see if anything new was there. Maybe that will happen again, though no promises! In any case, it feels good to do this. 

See you tomorrow!


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