Status Updates

 It's been so long since I've written anything that I should probably say something about how we're all doing. 

Relia is now a teenager. She has a good, tight group of friends with which she is in constant contact. They're all good people and I'm very happy for her. She is artistic and capable and frustrated whenever she's told she can't do something Right Now. I'm impressed by how she will decide on a project and then jump right into it. At the moment she is leaning towards being a psychologist (psychiatrist? therapist?) and I'm sure she'd make a great one.

DF is ten and loves gaming. He plays video games whenever he has a chance and is thinking of going into the field someday. In many ways he is a copy of me. Physically he looks like my younger twin, except he started growing his hair long at a much earlier age than I did. I'm sometimes frustrated that he isn't reading the same books that I did at his age, but he is a reader. In third grade, he tackled all of the Harry Potter books. When we told him to stop after the third one, he checked the fourth one out of the school library and quietly advanced on his own. 

LL is eight and I think the Covid has been hard for him. Second and third grade are a prime time for making friends. It's about the time that kids can push past their normal selfishness and care about how other people feel. He's been spending that time at home with his family and that's made connections with others hard. 

Right now LL likes wearing dresses. We're fine with this (natch) and curious where he'll go from here. His personality has always been stubborn but he's starting to soften. He's incredibly artistic and beginning to love history. 

The FP Gal has been teaching from home ever since March. She's thrived while working via video in a way that I don't know many others have. She likes the medium and works very hard to present things to her students in a way that helps them. I keep telling her that this may point to an educational career outside of the traditional classroom. We'll see.

Me? I'm fine. No, really, I am. I'm something of a homebody so not going out has only been an occasional issue for me. Having everyone home with me all the time hasn't been great but I'm getting used to it. Before the pandemic hit I had trained to be an independent bookkeeper but about the time I was ready to find clients, the economic situation got very uncertain. I still plan to do that but my writing is higher up in my brain. I have the stories and I'm confident in my writing ability. It's just harder to get things down on paper when the house is full. 

And that, as of this moment, is how we are.


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