The ugliest state

The FP Gal and I are starting to plan us a little road trip. Well, not sure how little it'll end up being. We're both hoping to add a state or two to our personal travel history. Anyway, it made me think of a curious discussion item I ran across a few years back. What's the ugliest state you've been to?
Mine is a two way tie between Kansas and North Dakota. Therefore I'm taking them out of contention. Pick a different one Jodi.

UPDATE: I must have gotten it from here. Note the times, mine was posted first today!


MamaD4 said…
Nebraska, New Mexico and western Arizona. Ugh. Nebraska=miles of nothing (or cornfields) punctuated by a tiny town, repeat ad nauseum. New Mexico and western Arizona=miles of scrubby, desert-y nothing broken by windblown, faded tiny towns. Or maybe it just looked that way flying through at 90 MPH.
carrster said…
I agree wtih MamaD4...NEBRASKA. I purposely drove north through WYOMING to avoid Nebraska on my last move back from California.

Also in contention: the north east corner of Colorado (snoozeville) and LARGE sections of Wyoming.
Peder said…
I've got a soft spot for Nebraska. It's like 8 hours of southern Minnesota. Reminds me of home. And western Arizona looks good in March.
carrster said…
No Way. Southern MN at least has variety!! (sort of - there are a few rolling hills here and there...)
Brian said…
Chad and I vote Texas. Industrial and dirt. YUCK. There is a big tie for second. OK, AK, KS...
Sarita said…
Apparently I only go to pretty places. I have never been to any of the above.

Well, Texas, but it was Galveston, and I was six. So I do not remember anything about the esthetics. I remember I collected a lot of cool seashells though! I think they are still in a basket at my parents'.
Now I'm just rambling. Sorry ;o)

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