Quick update

It's really really cold here. -8 degrees this morning. A milder climate would sure be nice...

Roxane seems to have slipped a bit. She's hanging out in strange places. Like the bathroom sink. Or the pantry where the garbage bags live. We've got a theory about what's going on. We just switched to a more kidney friendly cat food and the cats don't seem to care for it. Stopping eating could make her act differently right? We're hoping that hunger gets the best of her and she goes back to her regular ways.

The FP Gal and I went down to Austin over the weekend to celebrate Christmas with my family down there. We got to spend time with my sister and my brother-in-law which was nice. We went to the mall which just about has tumbleweeds blowing down the hallways. Very sad. Good times with the family and Grandma got her traditional last minute gift. Boxing gloves. And she was tickled to get them.


carrster said…
Here in Tropical Duluth it was 5 to your -8 - ah the joys of living in da nord. Hope it warms up for you. We're supposed to be mid-30's by Friday - what the hell is up with that?!? Weird.

You're right - Oak Park Mall is depressing and will be even more so once the MEGA Walmart moves in. I'm SO TICKED that they're taking out the live oaks behind "The Oaks" (next to Kmart) grrr...

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