
Relia has taken to waking up between 4 and 5 in the morning. This is not a good thing. Last week when the FP Gal and I had time off it was a limited problem. One of us would get up with her while the other one slept in. After a couple of hours, we'd switch.
That didn't work this morning of course. To make it worse, I was too jazzed from the Viking game to go to sleep easily last night. So my night went like this:
11p - in bed
1145p - admit that I can't sleep and go downstairs
130a - back to bed and sleep
430a - Relia wakes
432a - Relia comes to bed with the FP Gal and Zombie Daddy
433a-6a much kicking and wrestling, some whimpering and general miserableness
6a - my alarm goes off, the FP Gal goes downstairs, blessedly taking Relia with and making me promise be down at 625a
605a-625a - nirvana
625a - Zombie Daddy achieves the ground floor

We can't keep doing this.


carrster said…
Ugh. I hear ya. Dahlia's been waking up at random times in the night for several weeks...and I'm ALWAYS on night duty (since I don't have to be anywhere at a particular time...usually). The zombie-ness persists though. Yuck.

Good luck tonight. Hopefully you will get some good solid sleep!!
Heidi said…
So, this doesn't get better... I haven't had a full night sleep in months. I would like just a few uninterupted!
Peder said…
We've just been in teething hell for the last week or so. Otherwise the nighttimes haven't been that bad. I'm confident it'll get back to good...at some time.
Kate said…
The Zombie days will pass, but for now - hang in there!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Let me be the first to note that "Zombie Daddy" is a *great* name for a band...
Anonymous said…
All the joys of parenting. Nobody said it was going to be easy. Just remember--this too shall pass.


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