
For the FP Gal.


Sarita said…
Um, Thanks?
Sarita said…
Maybe you posted this before the nasty "teachers are overpaid" comments showed up.
Rant in 3...2...1...

I heard this piece on the radio a few days ago too, and my response is whatever.

Parents want homework, but we'll never see the books again if we send them home, so we have to make copies. The math unit I taught last month REQUIRED me to use 300 copies in addition to the workbook.
this guy has found a solution, Good for him.

There are some idiots out there who believe all teachers are nuns or something who should just give up being paid a decent salary. 60k does not go that far in CA.

Don't talk to me about the average teacher salaries until you've got the range and sample size along with it. Heck, why not just flesh out the budget for salaries and benefits. Yes, labor is one of our biggest costs. You can't get a robot to do our job, You can hire high school grads to teach the kids. Or even the Americorps people, but I will bet you big bucks they get burnt out even faster than us and eventually leave or demand commensurate pay.

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