
Tonight Mom complained that Facebook has changed the way we communicate. She misses the blog posts and emails. And frankly, if she was on Twitter, she'd feel it even moreso. Well, I don't miss the email as much but I do miss the blogging.
I'm not sure what to do about it though. Other forms seem to offer better methods of getting info out. This is how I see it:
  • Blogging: long form entries and things with a permanent record. Pictures (which would include personal pictures if we had a camera set up that I could work).
  • Facebook: Shorter entries. Heavier emphasis on humor, especially funny kid stories. Links to articles and the occasional video.
  • Twitter: Retweets and very short messages. Heavier political and sports content.
Frankly the later two are easier. The quick hit form is more fun and better suited to my parenting duties. I worry that I'll miss having the record of those memories though. Would it bug you folks if I simply cross posted things on both Facebook and the blog?

I'm still trying to figure all of this out. Any feedback would be appreciated.


Anonymous said…
I don't know you personally, so I am not a facebook friend. I like hearing your kid stories on your blog. It is fun to hear a dad's perspective on parenting.
carrster said…
I wouldn't mind cross posting. I enjoy your blog posts & your FB updates - and I read both now's up to you!

I still blog but don't know why I bother. I have INCREDIBLY low readership (which I'm not sure why I care, really, ego?) even after 7 1/2 years. Pffft.
Meigan said…
I love reading your blog! And Carrie's too!

Just don't always have time to respond.

But I'll take FB if I must. In a way it will make it easier to just check one place. I'm going to keep blogging for my own historical record.
MamaD4 said…
I'm with Carrie--I've been blogging for 7 years and have almost no readers...I pretty much don't blog because it's hard to feel that anyone (besides DD4) wants to read it, you know? It's a lot of work to get pictures, get them uploaded and write the post. I'm a fan of the instantaneous update on Facebook. Quick, easy, and hits a wide audience.

I agree with your last poster about keeping a blog for historic perspective. I do get my blogs printed out into books and I enjoy going back to look at them. BUT I hate getting nagged to blog. I used to really, really enjoy blogging and now I slog through. Nothing takes the fun out of something like feeling obligated to do it.

I don't want to keep beating a dead horse here because I think I've been hard enough on the person who brought this up in the first place, but we're all busy and I think the quickest, easiest way to keep in touch right now is the best (and it gets harder when that third one comes along Peder!!).
Pat said…
I don't care how one communicates just as long as it gets communicated. It is great to get to know what is going on in people's lives. I personaly would really miss Peder's FB and blogging a lot. Twittering is not my thing. Don't know how to do it. As for my blogging--it is frustrating because it never seems to work right. I do like the fact that it documents some parts of my life as well as letting friends/family what is going on.
carrster said…
MamaD4 - I would totally read your blog, but I am 'not invited!' Pooey.

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