
(I may need to delete this entry when the kids get older.)

Sometimes when DF has teeth coming in he also gets some diaper rash. (Apparently this is common but I don't understand the connection.) Anyway he has some molars coming in and his bottom looks dreadful. [A number of metaphors came to mind here but I'll err on the side of good taste and just leave it at that. -ed]
Anyway, the FP Gal took the kids out to the backyard this afternoon and decided to let DF go bare so he could air dry a bit. His shirt today is a bit long so he was pretty decent. And it's a private back yard and he's 16 months old. So no problem.
At one point he and Relia both sat in our new wagon, the chairs face each other. I was watching from across the yard and she started bending down and touching him. I called her over and quietly asked what she was doing. She told me "I'm playing with his vagina."
I told her that this was a private area and she should simply leave it alone. All the while trying to keep a straight face . . .


carrster said…
Oh dear....

When Dahlia sees photos of herself in the bath as a baby, she asks "Was I playing with my penis?" *sigh* No, honey, no.

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