Wednesday, September 21, 2011


While in the car with the whole family:

Relia: Guess what movie we watched at preschool?
FP Gal: I don't know. Which one?
Relia: I'll give you a hint. (long pause) It had a duck in it!

Lots of laughter and we pretty much agreed that this was the best hint ever. A few minutes later:

Relia: Guess what we had for lunch!
Me: Give me a hint.
Relia: I had water with it.
Me: Uh, how about more of a hint.
Relia: (long pause) It had a sloppy joe in it.

The FP Gal declared that this was in fact an even better hint than the duck one.

1 comment:

carrster said...

ha! The sloppy joe hint rocks!