
Showing posts from April, 2012

Happy Monday


Metrodome Tour

As you may know, I love rainy days.  We've had a bunch of them lately and I've been taught a new lesson: rainy days with bored kids are not nearly as much fun as they used to be.  Today it was both rainy and cold.  Boo!  We tried to figure out what we could do that was both indoors and not crowded.  I thought that it would be great if we could let the kids run around the Metrodome (yes, I refuse to acknowledge the new name).  A little Google work and I found that they give tours ! So after naps, we hustled the family on down to Gate F and were promptly let inside.  The fee was modest, only $4 a head.  The crowd was also modest, I think there were six other people.  And the guide, who had obviously been doing this for some time.  He was both smart and funny. We got to see the baseball press box first.  Then we went down into the interior tunnels and were led onto the field.  I've seen hundreds (thousands?) of games at the d...

Wind Map

You're going to want to click this link and take a look.  And if you the type that says 'whatever' and doesn't click through, let me explain a little more.  This is a map of all the wind in the continental US, right at this moment.  It's a simple concept, beautifully done.  The effect is hypnotic.

Have a Great Friday

I think this is Heather, on a brae.

Light Posting

Sorry, this week is going to be a light one.  Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

Beautiful Day

Today was one of those nice days that you pray for in the summer.  Temps in the high 60's/low 70's.  Mostly sunny with a light breeze.  DF and I played in the back yard while Leo slept.  The kids have a new sand box that they're pretty happy with it.  As I said, a nice day.

Books for Geeks to Read to the Children

Here is an interesting list of books for geeky parents to read aloud to their children.  I won't reproduce the list as it's 67 books long but click on through and take a read through.  I've only read a dozen or so.  Maybe I read more of them when I was younger, but I don't remember.  The ones that I have read are all winners though so I feel free to pass on the rest for recommendations.

Happy Monday


History of the English Language

A truly wonderful video!

Morning Fights

DF has entered some strange, new and terrible stage of communication. It seems to manifest mostly in the morning, though there is a notable later in the day piece that I could do without. We have conversations like this: Me: Do you want toast? DF: Yes. Me: Ok, I'll get some toast. DF: (wailing and despondent) Nooooo toast! Nooooo toast! Me: Ok. Bagel? DF: Yes bagel! Me: Ok, I'll get a bagel. DF: Yay bagel! (pause) No bagel! Nooooo bagel! And on and on with every possible breakfast food. And every possible prep method. This is all terribly exhausting. The afternoon bit has to do with driving. I don't know if Relia inspired this but he likes to sit in the the back seat and criticize every little thing I do, whether it makes sense or not. 'Go! Stop! Too fast!' and so on. I am soooo tired of being yelled at.

Have a Great Friday


Fields of Gold

I made Relia a new lullaby CD and included this wonderful cover by Eva Cassidy. We get to this song right about the time that I'm counting her to sleep and I can't help but sing along. Absolutely gorgeous. Cassidy's story is a very sad one. She worked as a musician and died young of melanoma. Some four years after her death she was 'discovered'. A wonderful voice, taken from us too young.

Whoops! - Diaper edition

I didn't realize that I missed posting yesterday. Sorry about that. No really new news here. Still trying to figure things out. Making some progress. We have two kids in diapers again and that's a change. Back when DF was born, Relia was right near the end of wearing them so we had two but not for very long. DF is about nine months younger than she was then, so we could be doing this for a while. Ok, those last couple of thoughts seem complicated. Let me try that in chart form. DF born - Relia 2 years, 8 months. Leo born - DF 1 year, 11 months. However, we're probably four years or so from being done with diapers. Night time pull-ups, sure, but not the daily diaper changes. So we have that to look forward to. Yesterday I was changing Leo when he decided to fountain a bit. I wasn't prepared and finally just held the new diaper in the stream. He quit and I started fumbling for another new diaper. The waterworks started again. More panic from me which was repeated when he ...

Happy Monday


At Home

We're trying to figure out the new dynamic here at home. That includes figuring out how the older kids can relate to Leo. They want to be all over him, which obviously won't work. We set up a little protective pen where we can put his rocker. It gives him some protection. They can still see him but they can't rock him wildly while he is trying to sleep. We also hit Target today. Had to use two shopping carts. Did you know that they no longer recommend putting the car seat in the upper carrier? I didn't either. Anyway, we'll figure it out. And then comes the car. Getting three kids in is at least twice as hard as two. Especially since one of those seats requires one of us (me) to climb in the back to buckle Relia. All of these little details. We'll get them, of course. But it's all a learning process.

Back Home

The FP Gal and Leo are home now. Relia and DF are both fascinated by him. She wants to hold him. DF wants to poke his face. I think DF thinks Leo is the most interesting doll ever. Anyway, we're all very tired. At some point I'll write about the delivery but not yet.

Birth Announcment!

Leo was born last night at 1253a. He came in weighing 9lbs, 6 oz and looks great. The FP Gal is doing great too!

Marking Time

We're in such a strange quantum state here. Every day we plan as if it might be The Day. But it isn't. And at some point each day we decided that it will be at least one more day. Today we talked about this about 11a. Because babies come at night, right? This morning we went to the Wild Rumpus . For those who don't know, this is a children's bookstore in south Minneapolis. It's a very clever place. It has several animals like cats, birds, chinchilla and at least one chicken. The kids loved it. Relia was especially taken by the bathroom. The mirror behind the sink looks normal until you turn off the light at which time it is revealed to be a fish tank! As I said, very clever. Then it was off to a BK with a play area so that the kids could run around. Well, climb around. DF climbed and climbed like a champ. Only after he'd done the full round a couple of times, did we realize that the intended age frame was 4-10. Whoops! Anyway . . . it was an ok d...

Five Days Past

We're starting to get deeply past the due date. We've been in this range before, with Relia. One big difference is that it's hard to explain how this works to the kids. Today at Target, DF stopped us near the baby stuff to point out a crib. He rather emphatically said, "baby bed!". I asked him if he knew that a baby was coming to live with us and he didn't. I told him there is a baby in mommy's tummy and I don't think he believed that either. He's in for some learnin' . . .


DF finished his popsicle: DF: More popsicle! Me: You need another one, buddy? DF: Yes! More! FP Gal: Say please. DF: (pause while looking at me) Say please daddy! Me: (chuckles) Ok, please can I give you another popsicle? DF: Yes!

Happy Monday



We didn't have all that eventful of a day. We took the kids over to the FP Gal's folks for lunch. They've added a very nice porch and subtracted a kitchen so (. . . doing the math) we had some food from the grill. All very pleasant. There was chasing of children, of course. DF had some blueberry pie and then lost a battle with his glass of water. Relia decided that she didn't like chicken or vegetables or really anything else as long as there were chips available. C'est la vie. No reall progress on the baby front. Late in the afternoon I played catch with the kids. Relia is gettin an arm on her. She still needs to work on her control. And to try not to jump while catching. But she's coming around. DF has learned how to spike his football. He wants to do more but that's all for now.

Due Date

As of today, we have reached the due date. You may recall that with Relia we sailed right on past this date. She came some four months later. With DF it was somewhat different. Almost two years ago it was. We reached his due date and we were both in for another long haul. Then late at night the FP Gal started having back pains and, long story short, we went in and had him. Today? Well, the FP Gal just doesn't seem like she's ready yet. It's nearly 9p while I write this so while technically there is still time, I'm not going to bet on it. At least if the New Baby is going to come today, we will need a bit of a rush on it. While the baby could come at any moment, there is a real deadline on this. At some point we would induce. That doesn't seem as daunting as at did the first time around. I don't remember who I've mentioned this too, but, message to family members, I've agreed this time to call all of you personally before I post things in vari...

Good Friday

Our readings this month were something of a happy accident. Last month we got Caesar on the Ides of March, and this time we get the book of Matthew. The only other match that I can see for the rest of the year comes in November, when we have the Constitution of the United States along with a big election. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a very good Holy weekend! (Update: Whoops! I meant for this to go over on the Great Readings Blog. Still, I wish everyone well here too.)

White Sox 2012

The White Sox season starts today - and I'm torn. Part of me is excited. It is baseball after all. But another part of me is a bit disappointed. I'll miss Ozzie and Buehrle. The identity of the team has changed, and that might be for the best, but I'm more cautious than anything else. Last year they were sometimes a very bad team and sometimes ok. This year I expect more of the same. But I'm emotionally preparing myself for them to be a bad team. It wouldn't surprise me if they are firmly in fourth place for most of the season. Maybe I'll be wrong. I hope so! I hope for turnaround seasons and sudden growth from young players. Maybe Sale will be a surprise Cy Young candidate. Maybe Ventura will be a great manager. But that's not the way I'd bet.

Have a Great Friday



DF has proved himself to be a very good singer. Not tunes so much yet (though he has the gist!) but even before he turns two, he is good with the words. Yesterday in the car I told the FP Gal that I'd caught him singing Happy Birthday to himself. I turned and sang him the first phrase and he did the second. Then he asked me to sing so I did. I didn't know who to dedicate the song to so I waited there to see what he'd say. It went like this: Me: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear . . . (pause) DF: (pause) Cake! Together: Happy birthday to you! He doesn't know all of the traditions but he knows to ask for cake. Tonight in the tub we started doing the ABC song. He doesn't have it all down but he nailed the end. He got the 'W, X, Y, Z, now I (mumble), next time won't you sing with me!'

Finally, the Names

I worked hard to convince the FP Gal that we're ready to share the names and she finally has allowed it. I hope you like them. We worked on the boys name for ever! Celeste Elizabeth: Italian feminine form of Caelestis. Late Latin name which meant "of the sky, heavenly". From Ελισαβετ (Elisabet), the Greek form of the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע ('Elisheva') meaning "my God is an oath" or perhaps "my God is abundance". The Hebrew form appears in the Old Testament where Elisheba is the wife of Aaron, while the Greek form appears in the New Testament where Elizabeth is the mother of John the Baptist. I'm pretty sure this name came to one of us while reading The Story of Babar, The Little Elephant to Aurelia. Once it was said out loud, it was the name. Just like I did with with Relia, I have moments where I think it sounds too fancy, but we still both love it. Elizabeth is for Aunt Liz . I knew I wanted to honor her because she is one of the mo...


How have we fallen behind in technology like this??? (via Instapundit)

Not Today

No, this isn't about the New Baby. This is DF's new catch phrase: Not Today. We have no idea where it came from but he's using it all the time. And almost every time it's hilarious. Our son has perfect comedic timing. Earlier today we were trying to figure out if it was warm enough outside to go out and play. Relia said that it was and DF piped right up with a Not Today! The FP Gal quickly said, "And now with the opposing view . . ." Which led to a discussion of a point/counterpoint weather program. (I love this idea and would tune in regularly.)