
We've been regularly going to the library on Wednesday morning with the kids.  The older ones love books and we are trying to fan that flame so they love them more and more.  The best way to do that is to expose them to more and more of them.  Plus, we want them to feel comfortable in a library setting and we need to find reasons to simply get out of the house.
One of the nice things about a large, connected system like the Hennepin libraries is that you can drop off books anywhere.  We don't feel tied down to one building and have wandered a bit from place to place.  Today, on a whim, I suggested that we go to the Southdale library because it is the biggest.  The FP Gal had no problem with that and we were off.
We got in and one of the librarians met us at the elevator and told us that we were in time for a magic show.  We went into their community room and, sure enough, there was a magician entertaining a large group of kids and their parents.  We sat in the back, well, the FP Gal sat and so did Leo.  Relia stood to watch and I chased DF all over creation.  At one point he tried to rush the stage. 
Even though we were late, Relia still found a way to be chosen as a volunteer.  She had to go up and tell the magic man what her two favorite colors are.  She was great and enjoyed the heck out of it.  That girl is going to be on stage, there is no stopping her. 


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