100 Essential DVD's

(Via Instapundit.) Amazon has a list of 100 essential DVD's that (apparently) everyone should own. They've offered discounts on all of them, which makes this an even more interesting list. Let's break it down:
  • We've got 21 of them (and another on VHS). That's more than I expected. Can anyone out there top that? I'm counting any version, not just the special editions.
  • Biggest surprise for placement? 'Ordinary People' at number 5. Didn't make AFI's top 100 but it cracks the top ten for Amazon. This must be someone's personal favorite...or they had a bunch leftover in stock. (Only 88 spots higher than 'Saving Private Ryan'.)
  • The highest rated Hitchcock film is 'Rear Window'. Couldn't agree more.
  • Some very nice, below-the-radar films on this list. 'Cinema Paradiso' at 12 is a very nice Italian film. 'My Neighbor Totoro' at 85, is a sweet film about two young children balancing fantasy with a sick mother.
  • Some overrated films here too. #46, 2001 A Space Odyssey (possibly the most boring movie ever). #78, 'The Usual Suspects'. #98, 'Blue Velvet'.
  • For DVD owning, I think of movies that I'd want to watch and rewatch. That means more comedies. Where's 'Ferris Bueller'? And while there are plenty of good thrillers, I'd watch 'Hunt for Red October' ahead of about half of these.
Still, it's a good list and Amazon deserves credit for it.


Brian said…
We have at least 13. I am maybe on a few of more. (I would have to ig in the vhs stuff) I am surprised that so many of them are really old. Has nothing been good in the past 20 years? No Muppet movies?
Cellomama said…
Wow, we own probably 150-200 DVDs and we only have about 11 of these (12 if you count VHS). You have us beat.
Meigan said…
I agree with Brian - too many old films. And too many missing from my favorite genres: sci fi & horror. Movies I'd watch over & over? Time Machine, Planet of the Apes, Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, The Exorcist, The Matrix, Donnie Darko... Babe was #42? For real?

I'm afraid our movie collection is mostly kids movies. To which I'd argue that Cinderella tops Toy Story any day of the week.
carrster said…
Hmmm I have 12 between VHS & DVD (but my "collection" was severely 'halved' in 2000). And I haven't been buying flicks lately.

I agree -where are the Muppets? Dark Crystal? Comedies (recentish....)?

I love THE USUAL SUSPECTS. One of my favorite flicks.
DD4 said…
I have 17 from this list. I own many, many more that I enjoy watching over and over, but the list was interesting.
MommyLisa said…
I think we have 23, but most are VHS---Babe, even Gladiator---Terry and I were late to the DVD thing. But, I want Spinal Tap!

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