Random Monday Night Stuff

  • Happy Columbus Day (observed). Point of etiquette question; do we wait until the 12th to argue over how to remember Columbus or do we do that on whatever day the Post Office takes off? Not sure on that.
  • Speaking of Columbus, by any modern measure he was not a good man. He enslaved people and in his stint as Governor, had people's hands cut off if they didn't bring regular amounts of gold. (The other side of the argument is that he was a man of his times and that's true too but beside the point I want to make here.) The main cause of death for Native Americans was disease. It makes no sense to hold Europeans responsible for this. They had nothing in their history to tell them that meeting a totally separate civilization would cause epidemics.
  • The Yankees lose! The Yankeeeees lose! Actually, I'm very happy with how the playoffs have gone. I'll be fine with any of these four teams winning it.
  • The bread that the FP Gal mentioned? It now occupies a full third of the refrigerator. We're going to try and wrestle it out to the garbage can tonight. Pray for the garbageman.
  • That's it!


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