Best of the 00's

I asked the movie question to some people at work today and got lots of blank stares. (This also happens when I ask "Who has been eating my paste?", but that's not important right now.) Seriously, I can list at least a dozen movies from the 90's that will be nice and comfy on 'all time' movie lists:
Schindler's List
Saving Private Ryan
Fight Club
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Forrest Gump
Life is Beautiful
Silence of the Lambs

These may not be your cup of tea, but they're all widely recognized. The 00's list is pretty short and I don't really know why. I should say that I'm not trying to run down modern film-making. There are many many good movies out there. Looking at the list of Best Picture nominees I noticed that there are very few 'bad' movies there. Just not many outstanding ones either.


MommyLisa said…
Come on, what about the Jennifer Garner classic---13 going on 30? ;)

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