Baseball playoffs

Each year I take the first Tuesday in October off so I can watch some playoff baseball. I do this in case the White Sox are in since it's unlikely that their game would be televised at night. Unless they're playing the Yankees of course. Well, this year the switched things up and there was no baseball. (The only consolation was the outstanding tie-breaker game Monday night. Seriously, even the FP Gal enjoyed the conclusion.)
I'm tempted to try and break down who should win and why. What strengths and weaknesses will come in to play and all that. Ah, nevermind that. The nice things about these short series is that you get freak plays and short hot streaks. Last year's Cardinals were a hair better than average but they beat all comers and are the reigning champs after all. This year I'm just telling you who I'm rooting for (or against).
  • 1. The Rockies - They won me over with their late season run. They had to win 13 of their last 14 games just to get in. The celebration would be wild. And I like the people in Colorado.
  • 2. The Phillies - For a very simple reason, they've got two of the White Sox World Series heroes on their roster. Rowand and Iguchi, you'll always have a place in my heart. Also, Philadelphia hasn't won a championship since '83.
  • 3. The Diamondbacks - No particular reason. They're a young team and I like that. They go by the nickname 'Babybacks' and that's fun too.
  • 4. Red Sox - Ok, so their fans got a little annoying after 2004. That happens. I've cheered long enough for them as a lesser of two evils that I'm not ready to stop quite yet.
  • 5. Indians - Divisional rival and all that. A few years ago I hated them too much to ever root for them. Rivalries change and I'd be ok with them winning it all.
  • 6. Angels - Man, these guys were whiney during the 2005 playoffs. Ok, so the umps blew a call or two. If they had played better baseball it wouldn't have mattered. Wouldn't really bother me if they won but I'm not cheering for them.
  • 7. Yankees - Ugh. Just the thought of smug New Yorkers with another ring makes my stomach turn. Seriously, can't we go one year without these guys in the playoffs? Pretty please?
  • 8. Cubs - Yuck and double yuck. Can't stand them. Not even one little bit.
What if it's a Yankees/Cubs World Series? Who do I root for then? This is a tough one and I've wondered about it ever since we narrowly avoided that in 2003 (thank you Marlins!). Is it wrong to root for another earthquake? How about a tornado? Even a blizzard would work.
Let's just hope that a just and benevolent world will spare us.


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