Random Monday Night Stuff

It feels like it's been a while since I've done one of these...
  • Remember that novel I've been writing? Remember how I was going to put it out on a separate site so that everyone could read it? Well, that's still the plan. The writing on the end has been sloooow. Guess, I worked better with a deadline. I'm now shooting for New Years.
  • Speaking of slow, we've finally hit our slow time at work. This is my favorite time of the year. Today I took six calls. With any luck, it'll slow down even more.
  • We could use one of these. Would help with the stairway at night.
  • I'd like to hand a copy of this to every one of our travelers. Ticket rules are sneaky. The rule of thumb is 'Don't Change Your Schedule'. That way they can't charge you any more.
  • Has anyone out there read 'Love in the Time of Cholera'? I'm going to borrow a copy and I'm curious about the quality.
  • That's it.


MamaD4 said…
I haven't read "Love in the Time of Cholera" but I did read his "100 Years of Solitude" and let me tell you, it was a little weeeeeiirrd. But still very readable. I've heard bad things about the movie, but I hear the book is great, so...it also makes me think of that movie "Serendipity", remember? John Cusack had Kate Beckinsale's character write her name and phone number in a copy of the book and put it back on the shelf to see if would serendipitously come back to him. And it did. Gag.
Peder said…
John Cusack also mentions it in 'High Fidelity' as one of the books he has read. Still, he has to say that his all time, number one favorite is 'Cash' by Johnny Cash.

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