Relia and the Cats

We were curious how the cats would deal with a baby in their lives. Mostly they just ignore her. Maybe she'll be more interesting when she pulls their tails. Or when she drops them some food. Until then she's just something else that we sometimes have on our laps.
Ozzie will sometime pop up on the couch when she's there. He gives her a quick sniff and then ignores her. Unless he wants to knead, in which case he wants to use her as a cushion. Needless to say, we don't let him.
Sana is a different story. She's much to dignified (or skittish) to play with a baby. There is one curious habit of hers and we were curious how that would work out. She likes to lick people on the forehead. We refer to it as a 'Sana blessing'.
The other day we took Relia up to change her diaper. Sana was sleeping on her changing pad. I put the baby down next to her to see how she'd react.
Our dignified kitty gave her a sniff and then a lick. It was very cute! We let her do this for a minute, and then we noticed the look on Relia's face. Something like 'what is this, sandpaper?'.

Very funny.


Test said…
My big win has been Tabitha coming up to rub against me and chosing instead to let Claire's hand brush her back while she strolls on by :) She too ignores Claire and isn't altogether happy about having to share mom's lap. If I sit down on the couch without Claire she's on me in a heartbeat.
DD4 said…
That is so cute. Aurelia actually looks as though she likes it.
carrster said…
We're wondering too how Beavis will handle it. Steve has started playing newborn-crying-sound-effects for him so he is used to the new noise in the house....I have a feeling he'll become a little more needy since he won't be getting as much love in the near future.
Peder said…
I think there might be something to the increased neediness. They're both all over us. We figured that it had to do with it getting colder and using blankets more often.
Meigan said…
Cute, cute, pictures!

I'll chime in for the dog people - my puppy is the biggest baby of the house. He's the neediest one in our family, and we're all pretty darn needy!
Meigan said…
For the cat people: Someone showed me a funny site today - Who knew?

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