Silence of the Lambs - 1991
One of the pleasures of this project is being able to persuade (force) the FP Gal to see some movies that she hasn't already seen. This is one of them. This becomes an excellent way to judge how these movies have held up over time. This was one of these. Actual FP Gal quote, "It was good. Not as scary as I expected it to be. But if you're afraid of moths, terrifying." That last part refers to me and a certain phobia of mine. One of her duties is to protect me from moth home invasion.
Back to the movie, this picture really establishes just how amazing Anthony Hopkins is. Hannibal Lecter is one of the creepiest villians in movie history. Stylish, ghoulish and completely in control of every situation he's in. Jodi Foster is a very good foil for his work. Together they make this movie work. Solid storytelling helps too. And a pair of night goggels. (The FP Gal gasped.)
I also think this movie launched the facsination with forensic science. The CSI shows owe this movie an awful lot.
Back to the movie, this picture really establishes just how amazing Anthony Hopkins is. Hannibal Lecter is one of the creepiest villians in movie history. Stylish, ghoulish and completely in control of every situation he's in. Jodi Foster is a very good foil for his work. Together they make this movie work. Solid storytelling helps too. And a pair of night goggels. (The FP Gal gasped.)
I also think this movie launched the facsination with forensic science. The CSI shows owe this movie an awful lot.