Pulp Fiction - 1994

This film hit the movie scene in '94 like a bomb. The dialouge was brilliant. The action was compelling. The shocking moments were shocking. A truly great movie. (And one of the films I was most wondering if it would live up to it's reputation over the years.)

The first inovation that Pulp Fiction popularized was in telling the story out of order. One of the final scenes is shown first and then the movie wanders in time until it comes back to complete the opening. Along with that is a first rate soundtrack. And this from someone who wishes the 70's would dry up and blow away. Throw in some acting and some of the most interesting scripts of the entire decade and there you have it.

Two notable acting bits in this movie: Samuel L Jackson is at the very top of his game here. This will be the role that he's remembered for and with good reason. The other top notch job here is done by Bruce Willis. I'm constantly surprised at how a good of an actor he really is. He'll probably remembered for some crap like 'Armageddon' which is a real shame.

I should probably mention John Travolta but he really wasn't anything special in this movie. Not bad, but in retrospect, not enough to refuel his career. And Tarantino's bit role is borderline painful to watch. Not the side of the camera he belongs on.

I'm curious which scene jumps to people's minds when they think of this movie. The scene with the gimp or the shot in Uma Thurman's heart? Leave answers in the comments.


Brian said…
When I think of Pulp Fiction the line "Bring out the gimp. The gimps alseep. Wake him up." always comes to mind. The scene for me is when the 2 in the front seat are talking and the gun goes off. It shouldn't but it makes me laugh!

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