Quiz Show - 1994
The next player given this treatment is Charles Van Doren (Ralph Fiennes) a teacher at Columbia who is overshadowed by his father. He is seduced into the scheme and the lure proves too big for him to resist. In the end, he can't live with himself getting away with it and he admits his wrongdoing before a congressional committee.
The acting in this film is very good throughout with the notable exception of Martin Scorsece. (Why do we think that directors should be as good as actors in front of the camera? This theme continues this year.) Fiennes is very, very good in a difficult role. Turturro is also very good. But the person who steals this movie is Rob Morrow, the investigator. As he hears someone try to buy him off, he simply smiles at the suggestion, completely blows it off and says "I'll have to get back to you on that". Priceless.
While the acting is good and the story is well told, the basic underlying premise falls flat. As is noted, regardless of whether the games were fixed or not, it's only television. In the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't matter.
Couldn't help but think of Ken Jennings of Jeaporday fame. I have no reason whatsoever to think that his amazing streak last year was anything but legitimate. But if I found out differently, would I care?