Sunday, October 16, 2005


Thought I should say something about the Vikings little pleasure cruise on Lake Minnetonka. Who amongst us hasn't had some friends out on the boat and had an orgy break out? Hmmm, almost certainly everyone who reads this blog (and the author!). Can't say I'm really surprised at their behavior. Being a serious sports fan in today's world means rooting for some bad people. The combination of insane money, fame and receiving constant special treatment doesn't really go far to building character. We should almost celebrate the exceptions for turning out ok.
What happens from here? The answer lies with what really happened. So far we've allegations and protestations of innocence. If the cruise was just a case of men with strippers getting lap dances, probably not much happens. If 'sex acts' were happening, the story takes a darker turn. We also don't know which players were doing what. Part of the story line is that there were two boats and the bad stuff was only happening on one of them. Until this is all sorted out, I don't know how any kind of meaningful punishment can be given.
What happens in the meantime? From a strictly sports related standpoint, I can't think of a worse thing to happen during a bye week than to have a scandal possibly effecting large numbers of the players. Think that might have hurt their concentration? I think it just might. The flip side of the coin is that the team could pull together and lose themselves in the football work. Take out their frustrations on the field and blow the Bears off of the field today.
I don't see it. My guess is that the Bears blow out the Vikes today. And we get one loss closer to getting a good coach.
In personal news, I've traded Culpepper away from my fantasy team. If he turns the ball over, he'll only hurt the real team now. If (hostile sports universe theory) this means that he now turns it around, all the better. For those picking games, I've picked up Eli Manning. Expect the Giants to nosedive.

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