Jonah Goldberg

Took advantage of living in the big city last night and went to hear one of my favorite columnists talk. His name is Jonah Goldberg and writes primarily for National Review and is syndicated in many newspapers. An archive of his work can be found here.
He opened by saying that there's a truism in speaking which is that you can give a new speech or a good speech. And he'd been asked to give a new one. He was asked to speak on Hurricane Katrina, and did in a scattershot way. The group that brought him to Minnesota, CFACT, openly admitted that they mostly just wanted to talk with him for an hour and any subject would do. He's extremely smart and very funny. He's open with critiscm about Bush. And bothered by the lack of good faith arguments from the left.
Afterward, a bunch of us went to Stub & Herbs to see the end of the SOTU and chat with Jonah. We got to hear some of the inside stuff about National Review and hear extensivly about his upcoming book. All very interesting. He asked that we not blog about this, so I won't go into specifics.
One thing I will mention is that I asked him if he had a favorite candidate for '08. He doesn't (and no one that I talked to last night had any strong feelings for anyone yet). He mentioned that he'd love to have Cheney, but no one expects that to be an option. In truth, that'd be my choice too.
A very enjoyable evening.


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