Political namecalling

Ran across this post over the weekend at Powerline. It involves a photoshopped picture on Coleen Rowley's website depciting her opponent John Kline as a Nazi. The reason for the comparison? Was he advocating genocide? Nope. Setting up a police state? Nope. He wants to change the image on the $50 bill from Grant to Reagan. I know, shocking.
She apologized in good time (and that's good of her). She thought people would see Kline in a Nazi uniform and think of Col. Klink the bumbling fool. Apparently the rougher elements of Naziism never came to mind. (And no I don't believe her, but I'll let you make up your own mind.)
The Star Tribune editorial board weighed in on political namecalling yesterday. Did they criticize someone from the left for crossing a clearly recognized line? Nope. They went after a much more important slur:

New House DFL Deputy Leader Margaret Anderson Kelliher ought not be the only Minnesotan to bristle at House Speaker Steve Sviggum's recent description of her and Minority Leader Matt Entenza.

Sviggum allowed that while both are "very nice people, " they are also "very, very liberal Twin Citians."

Yep, Twin Citians! I know, shocking. Sviggum had the gall to say that these "nice people" are from the Twin Cities and therefore might have different priorities and values than some outstate folks. Pretty awful stuff.
I've lived in small cities and in big ones. I've lived in the largest metro area of the state for most of the last ten years. I've also bartended for farmers. I can say without hesitation that they represent different types of people.
Even if you disagree, is this really a shocking argument to make? The STrib's argument might be one of the thinnest that I've ever seen from them. Really, does anyone take them seriously anymore?


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