Chicken Dance

A recent post by my friend Jodi recommends a new version of the Chicken Dance to listeners. She closed her post by threatening to delete any comments comparing 'L'dance du poultrie' to the highly evolved art of polka. This goes back to a looooong (and continuing debate) as to the classification of the song. My argument has always been that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's probably a duck (is it bad to mix waterfowl?). Hers is that the Chicken Dance is a mere gimmick song unlike a true polka, like 'Who Stole the Keeshka'. Well, where could I go to find this type of information? If only some tool existed that had virtually all of the information in the world at it's fingertips...
Wait a minute! I'll ask my good friend Google! Let's see, is the chicken dance a polka? Hmmm, well the first hit suggests that the song was popularized on polka albums. (It also includes it's own soundtrack!) The second link doesn't say much. The third one lists it as Chicken Dance (Polka).
Ummm, the seventh link is about Wisconsin declaring the Polka as the state dance. The blurb says that it was picked instead of the Chicken Dance. Is that conclusive? Well, using the well established maxim that 'Wisconsin is probably wrong', I'd say that helps my side. Hmmm, I'd say that pretty much proves my point.


j said…
I LOVE "Who stole the keeshka". I still laugh thinking about that commercial for the Time Life album. The song was playing and these people were all passing a sausage around. I think about it every time I'm in the deli meat aisle.
Peder said…
I remember that commmercial. Lots of fun.

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