Weekend update

  • We're leaning towards Ozzie (short for Ocelot) for our kitten. Well, I'm leaning. The FP Gal has already fallen over for it. It's mere coincidence that it's the same name as my favorite manager. To answer Hans's question, we kept an eye out for extra toes but didn't have any luck.
  • The other two cats aren't really taking to this well. Mostly sulking and uneasy. This will pass at some point. Sana will come to understand that she doesn't have to be low on the totem pole. And Calypso will just forget that anything was ever different.
  • We've got Ozzie isolated in his own little room. The Humane Society warned us that there is a possibility of respiratory infection. Until we can get him into the vet or at least be certain that he's ok, we'll keep him away from the other two. We're lucky that we have the space to do this! We'd be luckier if the forecast wasn't for 91 today.
  • Something non-kitten? I've heard back about the training position. They've pushed any hiring back until next year. Disappointing but not really unexpected. I'm still doing a lot of training while I'm there. Did about 10 hours this week and will do a similar amount next week. It suits me.
  • No special plans this weekend. Kind of excited to see a certain movie about mutants. It's called 'Cherynobl Remembrance' or somesuch. Possible review tomorrow.
  • One more kitten thing, Ozzie is nonstop adorable!


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