Cities 1-10

Alabama - Birmingham
Alaska - Anchorage
Arizona - Phoneix
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Los Angeles
Colorado - Denver
Connecticuit - Bridgeport
Deleware - Wilmington
Florida - Jacksonville
Georgia - Atlanta

Nicknames (not in the same order)
"The Park City"
"The Magic City"
"Mile High City"
"Valley of the Sun"
"The City of Lights and Flowers"
"Chemical Capitol of the World"
"City of Angels"


carrster said…
Birmingham - Chemical Capital of the World
Anchorage - The Magic City
Phoenix - Valley of the Sun
Little Rock - Rock Town
Los Angeles - City of Angels
Denver - Mile High City
Bridgeport - The Park City
Wilmington - City of Lights and Flowers
Jacksonville - J-ville
Atlanta - Hotlanta

MANY of those are I'll see how I did!

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