Friday, September 11, 2009

Weird Books

From Abe Books, here is a collection of weird books. I think Hans might need the first book in the How To section.


MamaD4 said...

Wow. There are SO many jokes floating around in that link that I hardly know where to start...

AML said...

Is it weird if I think a few of the books aren't weird at all?

Alfred T. Mahan said...

I know at least three men with the book on old tractors, etc.

No, I'm not one of them.

Incidentally, the book on the robot uprising will likely decline in popularity due to the rise in interest in zombie outbreaks. Just a prediction due to the recent Brett Favre resurrection.

carrster said...

Hmmm, "How to Good-bye Depression" - me thinks something was lost in translation!

Very very bizarre books.

Meigan said...

I like the pantyhose craft book.