At the Park

Tuesday is Nana day so after I picked up the kids I dropped Relia off at the FP Gal's parents house. DF hates this (he wants to stay too) so I tried to cheer him up by taking him to a park. We had the park all to our lonesomes, which was odd since it was a nice day. Not that big of a deal since he really isn't dependend on finding new friends yet. And in some ways it was nice since I didn't have to dodge someone else's little darling while keeping him from tipping off of a platform.
We did the slides and the swings and (his favorite!) the steering wheel. We walked around for a bit. This park is right next to a large playing field, currently striped for football. No one was there so we walked out there.
After some time he got tired and wanted to be carried. So up on my shoulders and we took a long route back to the car. Nuh-uh! When I tried to put him in he tried to shut the door. DF was not done at the park!
So we walked back to the equipment and I let him lead me to where he wanted to go. To my surprise it was simply to a bench. I sat down and helped him up. We spent about five minutes simply watching the jets fly overhead. Watching the leaves falling and blowing around. For the moment he was content and happy to just sit there with his daddy.

Time passed and we got up. Did a slide or two and then went home. But that part where we sat there was special to me. High point of the day.


DD4 said…
What a nice time you two had! You won't regret spending time with your kids, Peder.
carrster said…
Oh man. That was really sweet. Thanks for sharing.

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